Saturday, August 31, 2019

History Since 1500 Essay

Modern history began in the end of the 15th century, which witnessed the beginning of Reformation and the discovery of the new continent. In the following five centuries, many historic events (such as the two world wars and the cold war) have fundamentally changed our world in the fields of politics, economics, and culture. Political Systems in Europe after the Thirty Years’ War The Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648) refers to a series of wars intermittently fought chiefly between the Roman Empire and the Protestant principalities with which French allied. Theses wars were fought for religious, territorial, dynastic, and commercial reasons (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2009). After the Thirty Years War ended with the Peace of Westphalia, European states were divided into different political regimes. For the five most important ones, Spain, Portugal and France remained absolute monarchies, while Holland and England became a republic and a constitutional monarchy respectively. The political differences significantly affected these countries’ performance. While being the first European counties to start colonial enterprises, Spain and Portugal’ rejection of new ideologies and new political thinking rendered them weaker day by day. There is no doubt that ideological change plays an important role in political change. That is to say, the Reformation made those Protestant states much easier to adopt more democratic political forms: a republic or a constitutional monarchy. It is worth noting that the defeat of the Spanish Armada happened in 1588, almost three decades before the start of the Thirty Years’ War. It is safe to say that Protestantism was one factor that brought Capitalism, which requires a more democratic political system. Among the five nations, only the Dutch Republic was as enlightened and democratic as England, and even more so at times. For instance, the Pilgrim Fathers took refugee in Holland before settling in the Plymouth colony. For another, the constitutional monarchy in England was made possible by the Dutch invasion during the Glorious Revolution. However, the Dutch Republic was too small to be a colonial superpower for a long time. The lack of manpower and resources led to Dutch defeats in the four Anglo-Dutch wars, and â€Å"when the last war ended in May 1784, the Dutch were at the nadir of their power and prestige† (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2009, par. 4). In sharp contrast with the Dutch Republic, the French Bourbon Monarchy was then a much larger country than England and the most powerful European state in the early 18th century. However, its backward political system made it unfit for the global competition with Britain. After defeating France in the Seven Years’ War (1756–1763), England became both the dominant power in North America and the global superpower in addition to the naval supremacy it had maintained since 1590s. The Causes of World War One Before the First World War, a great many wars had been fought in Europe for various reasons: such as the thirty years’ war, the Anglo-Dutch wars, the Anglo-French wars, and the Napoleonic wars. Of the wars mentioned above, some were fought on a big scale. For instance, the Seven Years’ War between Britain and France were fought both in Europe and in American colonies, bearing some resemblance to the First World War. However, we can not deny that World War One was far more catastrophic than any previous war. Thus, what was it about the modern world that caused such a catastrophe, and let people doubt the virtues of progress in its aftermath? The immediate cause of the Great War was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria on 28 June 1914 by a Serbian nationalist. However, the incident itself was not worth a total war; there were other deep-rooted reasons. Undoubtedly, national state (nationalism) was one of the main causes. Since 1850s, a number of national states, such as Germany, Italy, and Japan, arose from across the globe, trying to unify and centralize their nations. There were also some failed attempts, such as the Hungarian Revolution (1848) and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (1851-1864) in China, both struggling for national independence from their foreign rulers. However, these nationalist movements were quite problematic and troublesome themselves. First, these nations intended to build up unified and centralized states for themselves, but denied equal rights to ethnic minorities within their boundaries. For example, while unifying German states in central Europe, Prussia never considered the self-determination of the Polish population. Second, during the unification, these national states failed to solve territorial disputes with their neighbors peacefully. For instance, territorial disputes over Alsace and Lorraine were one of the main causes of the Prussian French war, which started the lasting hostility between Germany and France until the end of the World War Two. Moreover, because modern national states were more centralized and got more so during the war period, World War One became both the first â€Å"total war† and the first â€Å"war of attrition†. In addition to national states (nationalism), interdependence and modernization also played a role in causing this catastrophe. Machine gun and trench were two embodiments of the First World War. Machine gun and heavy artillery made the army a much more efficient killing machine; the well fortified trenches let the massacre on the western front continue for over four years. New technologies can also shorten the war and thus reduce the casualties, such as the German blitzkrieg on the western front in World War Two. But in World War One, they only greatly prolonged the stalemate. European industrialization and commercialization in the 19th century made them more dependent on each other and on oversea colonies: they needed raw material, market, and capital from outside their own territories. Therefore, each country paid more attention to alliance and navy to protect their market, resources, and trade routes. The diplomatic maneuverings and the naval competitions obviously heightened the tensions between individual states and between deferent blocs. The Cold War After World War One, the Soviet Union and the United States were two superpowers along with Britain, France, Germany, and Japan. However, the Soviet Union and the U. S. had larger territories and populations than other nations. After the Second World War, the defeated Germany and Japan lost all their colonies, so did Britain and France in a much longer period. As a result, Russia and America became the only two post-war superpowers—Japan and Germany were no longer military powers while Britain and France were too small to qualify. It was this bipolar state made the cold war possible: the two superpowers could incorporate smaller nations into their camps to fight a long lasting war of ideology, politics, and economics. The cold war era refers to an unpleasant yet less painful and bloody period compared to the two world wars. Yet, this definition was from the two opposing military groups’ (NATO and WARSO pact countries) standpoint; for those former colonies (quasi-colonies), this view can not be farther from the truth. During the cold war, NATO and the WAWSOW did not confront each other in order to avoid a nuclear war, which could annihilate both the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Yet, the collapse of the colonial system offered them a distant and relatively safe battlefield—the newly independent former colonies (quasi-colonies). Conflicts there had made the cold war nastier, bloodier, and more suffering. For many third world countries, the cold war era is the most painful period in modern history as they served as pawns in the ideological war between Russia and US. In the cold war era, the two biggest wars were fought in Korea and Vietnam; Cambodia saw the biggest massacre after World War Two; China experienced the greatest famine (1959-1961) in human history and the Cultural Revolution almost wiped out this 5,000 years old civilization. However, these events themselves did not decide the course of the cold war. The communists fought to stalemate in Korea, won the Vietnam War. However, several months after Chinese communists crushed peaceful protesting students and civilians with tanks and armed vehicles and firmly controlled the situation, communist regimes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe quickly collapsed. Since 1500, human being has made breath-taking progress in government, technology, business, education, health care, etc; it has also suffered a great deal from wars, national rivalries, epidemics, environmental damages, natural disasters, and all kinds of discriminations while living standards have been steadily improving. Since technology and productivity can be double-edged swords, it is urgent for the current generation to learn the lessons from the past five centuries.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Anticipatory Socialization In Work Essay

The text defined anticipatory socialization as â€Å"learning and practicing a new role before one actually occupies the position.† In adolescence, anticipatory socialization does not require a high level of commitment from the individual. When one actually enters the world of work, as when one begins a career after schooling is completed, anticipatory socialization becomes a matter of assuming a role that one really wants, not a role that one thinks one wants to play. The classic example is the aspiring young corporate executive whose clothing, speech, reading materials, politics, and even sports interests emulate those of people occupying roles to which he aspires. For many, this emulation begins long before a specific job is taken. From observations of two graduate programs in business administration—one associated with a prestigious Catholic university of about 7,000 students, the other with a southern state university of about 15,000 students–this writer has drawn the following basic conclusions: A conscious effort is made in graduate training to indoctrinate students not only into the required technical skills but also into behavioral patterns that will be required of them as business people. Indeed, students overall grades and the kinds of recommendations they will receive depend more than a little on how well they have mastered those nontechnical, behavioral skills.’Research on medical training shows similar findings (Becker et al, 1961). Future doctors are expected to internalize â€Å"bedside manners† as well as to learn medical skills. Indeed, a recent article by J. B. Reuler et al. has projected a new emphasis on the importance of the bedside manner in doctor-patient relations (Jounral of the American Medical Association, 1980). Similar inferences can be drawn from research on blue-collar workers, although anticipatory socialization was not the focus of this research. Studies by Donald Roy and Ely Chinoy (much of which was based on the classic research in the 1930s by Roethlisberger and W. J. Dickson) indicate that the acceptance of primary work group values and norms, particularly as they relate to productivity, is a prerequisite to group membership (American Journal of Sociology, 1954, 1951-52). After membership is gained, both social and physical sanctions may be applied if the norms are violated. Recent research on young fishermen has revealed that anticipatory socialization begins very early in that occupation (Maiolo and Bort, 1980). Many adult fishermen do not want their children to fish for a living. Still, a sizable proportion of sons do follow in their fathers’ footsteps. As the youngsters accompany adult fishermen, they learn the special techniques of caring for gear and setting traps and nets. They begin to learn the language of predicting harvest levels and where the most productive fishing locations, or â€Å"sets,† are. Some try their hand at making boats, and some have been observed fishing alone at the early age of thirteen. The â€Å"correct† raingear is a treasured birthday gift, and the strategy of selling fish is a particularly important skill that is sought at a very early age. In sum, anticipatory socialization is a serious and ubiquitous phenomenon in the world of work. Further, that process includes the inculcation of social as well as technical skills. References American Journal of Sociology 60: 255-256, 1954. American Journal of Sociology 5: 453-459, 1951-1952. Becker, H., et al., Boys in White, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961. Journal of the American Medical Association 243(3): 235-236, January 1980. Maiolo, J. and J. Bort, The Sociocultural Context of the North Carolina Shrimp Industry, Second Year Report, University of North Carolina Sea Grant, 1980.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Anti-discriminatory practice Essay Example for Free (#5)

Anti-discriminatory practice Essay The problems that can be encountered within staff training and development is that Betty may want the training to take place on a Saturday but the carers who have the day off on Saturdays may not want to go because it may be the only day off they have in a week. Betty could then rearrange the day and have staff training during the week but the downside of that is that there will be no carers left to care for the residents and also there will be a funding problem because Betty will then have to try and get other carers in just for that day. Funding The problems that can be encountered with funding is that if quite a few staff members take the same day off like a Wednesday then Betty will have to ring the staff who shouldn’t be in on Wednesday and see if they will come in, but they don’t want to. Betty will then have to ring and ask see if she can have agency staff to come in and work which will then be costing money that they probably haven’t got. Discrimination The problem with discrimination is that people have their own beliefs and values. A carer doesn’t like black people and there are 1 or 2 black people in the care home where she works. This carer takes in their own beliefs and values before their line of work; this means that the carer will be nice to the â€Å"black† residents when another carer is around but when they are on their own with them they call them names and are just discriminating against them because of their own beliefs and values. If the â€Å"black† residents complain about this carer then she will get assessed and if it is still going on she will end up with the sack and also taken to court. Manager There are problems with managers like funding because some carers may want a pay rise and if there isn’t enough money then obviously the carers cant have their pay rise and they may quit their job as a result of this. Another problem for a manager is that the care home could be an old building. Old buildings are more likely to have damp and to start falling down. This could link into the funding because if there wasn’t enough funding then the care home would have to get closed down because they wouldn’t be able to re-damp proof the walls/ceilings and also they wouldn’t be able to afford building works. Cooks There are a few problems for cooks because if they haven’t got enough staff working in the kitchens then everyone would have to be fed at different times which could be a problem with service users if they had a set feeding time. Storage is a problem because if it was a small kitchen then the cook wouldn’t have enough room to store appliances and food. Under trained staff is another problem because if staff wasn’t trained properly then germs could be passed on and also food may not be cooked properly. Cleaners A big problem for cleaners is that they could be denied access to a room by a service user. The reason this is a problem is that the cleaner may not get paid if all rooms are not cleaned properly although it wouldn’t be the cleaners fault. Cleaners can also have problems with respect because some carers think they are better than the cleaners because they don’t have to do the dirty jobs other than changing some residents. Receptionist Problems for receptionists is that if there is a client on the phone and there was a problem then the receptionist would get a mouth full although it wouldn’t be there fault. The reason the receptionist would get an ear full is because they are the first person that the client is going to speak to on the matter and the client will think it’s the receptionists fault because they answered the phone. When actually all the receptionist is there for is to make and/or receive calls and also to book appointments. Communication can be a problem especially if the service user doesn’t speak English. The reason this would be a problem is if the service user didn’t speak English then the receptionist will not understand what they rang up for. Carer Carers get a lot of problems because they could be discriminated against especially if they were male. The reason for this is that there are more female residents in a care home than there are males and some women don’t like to be washed by a bloke even though that is what they were employed for. Anti-discriminatory practice. (2017, Sep 10).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Final exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Final exam - Assignment Example Efficiency generally refers to the relative ease with which one is able to perform certain task. This is term refers to the inputs used when producing goods and services. Efficient service is results in high levels of customer satisfaction and also has low levels of complains from the customers. Efficiency in technical work environments is quite key in the process of production as it results in work being done quickly and there are high levels of yield. Efficiency is when work is done with ease and there is no strain while executing the duties. Adaptability means the ability to change and try to fit in the diverse and changing work environments. Conditions at the work place keep on changing thus the need for the employees to adapt and change with the new developments. The world is not static and change is inevitable. The fastness of one to adapt is fundamental in every organization if it is to continue thriving. Flexibility remains one of the traits that employers look for in their employees as it enables one able to change and adapt with time. Effectiveness is the most important trait that each organization should have in its employees. Even if there are efficient and adaptable if there are unable to achieve the intended goals of the company it is all in vain. The key goal of every organization is to experience growth and hit the targets that they have put in place. One of the advantages of efficiency is that it ensures that work is done at a faster rate and deadlines are met on time.Efficieny is when there is smooth running during the process of production of both goods and services. Efficiency is when higher levels of output are realized when producing goods and services. It also results in higher levels of customer satisfaction with the output among the customers. Once the customer is contented with the services that he is getting, he becomes a loyal servant leading to repeat business. One

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Capstone Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Capstone Project - Essay Example d vision; and also if it has appropriate strategies in place that can help it in achieving its goals while utilizing its strengths and exploiting its opportunities. Toyota’s mission states, â€Å"Toyota will lead the way to the future of mobility, enriching lives around the world with the safest and most responsible ways of moving people. Through our commitment to quality, constant innovation and respect for the planet, we aim to exceed expectations and be rewarded with a smile. We will meet challenging goals by engaging the talent and passion of people, who believe there is always a better way (Toyota, 2012, p.12).† Careful analysis reveals that Toyota has been concerned with providing a product line that is affordable to its customer and also serves community by playing its role in environmental protection and social stability. Comparison of its mission and vision to its financial performance indicated that Toyota has managed to retain its profitability ratio as compared to last financial year 2011. Although due to strong position of Yen, its product became expensive for American and European markets, which is later on reflected in decrease in its gross sales which is  ¥ 17,820,520 for 2011 and  ¥17,511,916 for financial year 2011 and 2012 respectively. However, other losses attributed to recalls made further decreases in profits. Toyota’s vision entails making better cars and enriching communities’ lives through sustainable growths and adherence to its original values. Its guiding principles indicated that respect for culture and customers, fair business activities, corporate citizenship, innovative management, individual creativity and team work and working with business partners in research and manufacture to achieve stable, long-term growth and mutual benefits (Toyota Global, 2011a). However, losses incurred through recalls indicate that Toyota digressed from its values and mission of making better cars and benefitting consumers. Therefore,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Management. Business function and processes (Tourism) Research Paper

Management. Business function and processes (Tourism) - Research Paper Example During next few years, TUI developed and changed its production from industrial segment to a modern tourism and shipping company. The general credibility of the TUI is quite excellent. Strategically today TUI is the largest and leading tourism and shipping organization of the world, operationally active mainly in Central, Northern and Western Europe while it has the networks across the Europe as well. The inventory of TUI is decorated with hotels, restaurants, retail stores, container ships, travel agencies and airlines. TUI has â‚ ¬14,917.5 million current and non-current net assets and liabilities (Interim Annual Report, 2009). On December 2008, TUI had 70,200 employees (TUI Annual Report, 2008), 285 hotels with 163,000 beds in 28 different countries including 84% four or five star hotels, 79 tour operators in 18 countries, 120 aircraft, 10 cruise liners, and 443 subsidiary companies ( At present, TUI AG has 43.3% shares in Hapag-Lloyd AG. During the fiscal y ear 2008, TUI had revenue about â‚ ¬759 million. One of the unmatchable entrepreneurial landmarks of TUI is its continuous structural progress and upgrading services offered to worldwide customers. Contrary to its rivalries, TUI is very successful in both the tourism and shipping divisions because of its advanced attractive products and services as well as the expansion of new and strong brands. However, the performance of TUI has been affected badly due to ongoing war against terrorism, natural calamities, global recession and lack of customer confidence. Prior to 9/11, TUI had more dynamic growth from 1995 to 2001. Post 9/11 affects really restricted the TUI’s expansion strategy especially in various countries of Asia. Since China is an emerging market, therefore TUI had planned a broad strategy but war in Afghanistan and its further affects in Pakistan kept TUI to hold up its venture in China ( In such political and military situations, TUI decided to launch its new segment in the form of a network of fast food outlets in major cities of UK and Greece instead of Asia. The long term success of TUI in Europe also forced its top management to expand the company’s growth into competitive markets of Eastern Europe. With the intention of mounting its potential, developing activities, and to attain a sustainable lead against its rivalries, TUI has decided to launch its tourism network in the markets of UK and Greece. In the first phase of its new project, 10 fast food units

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Contempory Issues in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Contempory Issues in Business - Essay Example Virgin Trains is known for its reliable, fast, and quality trains not only in the past but today as well. Moreover, it is now considered to be one of the most trustworthy and experienced train companies operating in Britain (Virgin Trains. 2005). Technology Used by Virgin Trains Virgin Trains is a perfect example of a business organization which has made use of technology in the most efficient manner. It has employed quite a few types of technologies to improve its areas of functions. Tilting technology employed by Virgins Trains has resulted in tremendous amount of boost in speed, thereby considerably reducing the journey times between different places on West Coast Main Line. Virgin Group is making the use of tilting technology in all of its upcoming models. Virgin Group has signed a contract with ALSTOM Transport, a French multinational company, to manufacture tilting trains for the West Coast Main Line. Virgin Trains also uses another interesting and highly interactive technology of Wi-Fi that allows passengers to swiftly access wireless internet on their laptops or electronic handheld devices while travelling on the train. In addition to that, Virgin Trains has opted for GOSS iCM (Intelligent Content Management) as its Web Content Management System. The installation of this intranet system has facilitated the utilization of Web 2.0 Applications which provides information related to weather, signals, train departures and arrivals. Virgin Trains has also been successful in developing a hi-tech system on its trains and stations such as Birmingham New Street. This system comprises of boards which display the departure and arrival times, and get automatically updated through the tracks on a live basis, thus exhibiting the effectiveness of Real Time Technology (GOSS, 2012). Impact of Technology on Virgin Trains When Virgin Trains executed its first project of implementing tilting technology in Advanced Passenger Train, the news promulgated around the world and t he company’s status enhanced with the word of mouth marketing done by the passengers. This technology also helped Virgin Trains in enhancing its relationships with Fiat Ferroviaria and ALSTON, the two gigantic corporations that had formed a mutual enterprise to supply tilting services to the models of Virgin Trains. They completed their first project of Virgin Trains which was quite a huge success for the company and at the same time proved a strong opponent against other high-speed trains in the country (Lagandijk et al. 2005). Use of wireless internet over the board has also enabled Virgin Trains to mark out their separate identity and has also proved to be a way of gaining greater market share by targeting business travellers who find this service very useful (BTN, 2011). The decision to setup Web Content management System (WCMS), which functions as an interactive Intranet has instilled the company with the components of social networking. In this manner, the improvements made in the online availability of information have certainly yielded positive results for the company. The transfer of data to the online system has resulted in more efficient use of time and resources for the organization with reduction in paper consumption and red tapes as well. There were several technical issues particularly related to communication associated with the traditional legacy notes system of Virgin Trains. However, the installation

Merger of HSBC and Oman international bank Essay

Merger of HSBC and Oman international bank - Essay Example Using secondary research and quantitative analysis, this research aimed at testing how the hypothesis that mergers incurring high leverage levels succeed under normal markets. The study results show that mergers incurring high leverage levels also incur higher financial risks. Contemporary business models face various challenges among them competitiveness of rivals and economic landscape. The unpredictability of the economic environment has pushed companies to take various measures among them mergers and acquisitions. Since this research is focused on mergers, it considers mergers as the collaboration of two mature business entities. Mergers have different meanings to different entities. To the most important stakeholders, the parent companies, use mergers are partnering to explore a common business interest. On the other hand, mergers mean the teamwork between businesses with a common business goal. The difference between business goals and business interests is that the former indicates the plan of a business and how it plans on meeting various financial and operational goals. On the other hand, business interests involve common ambitions as well as shared vision of taking opportunities head on. However, business interest take on the assumption that the market has a gap that the merging companies have to collaborate to ensure success is achieved in the most financially and economically effective manner possible. Five types of merges are identified within the business environment. Among these includes the horizontal, product extension, market extension, vertical, and conglomeration. Horizontal mergers involve two companies which are in direct competition with each other. The motive of this type of merger is to cut down on competition and maximize on factors that can improve the economic footing of both companies. Vertical mergers include a customer and company.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Putting Action in Your Passion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Putting Action in Your Passion - Essay Example That is math. Math can also help us shop wisely like when we go to a grocery store attempting to budget our money to buy the right amount of stocks at the cheapest possible price. That is math. It comes in handy in computing what time we need to leave the house for work to avoid the hectic traffic jam and still manage to drop the kids in school. That is math. Like one writer said, "If we are well-versed in this language of numbers, it can help us make important decisions and perform everyday tasks."1 The "major disciplines within mathematics first arose out of the need to do calculations in commerce, to understand the relationships between numbers, to measure land, and to predict astronomical events."2 As part of the educational requirement, it is a fundamental study of all possible degrees. It has been included in all stages of learning including the time one is taught how to count one to ten. No one can go up the didactic ladder without passing Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Calculus. It is even made a major for courses such as Accountancy, Bachelor of Science Major in Math, Engineering, and all other related studies. With this being said, Mathematics is "the academic discipline, and its supporting body of knowledge, that involves the study of such concepts as quantity, structure, space and change."3 Looking at the usual profile of students in a Math class, most fall under the just-barely-making-it-to-pass benchmark. A few seems to show advancement in the subject, and hardly any turns out to be a genius. This is the common set-up that takes place, and everyday is a challenging day to keep the class alert the whole time. Like one would say, "just the sight of a complicated math equation, laden with exponents and square root signs and algebraic letters, inspires the same sort of revulsion as an antennae-waving critter scurrying along a baseboard."4 To create variety in learning, educators incorporate math games, quizzes, board exercises, group activities, and other similar events but the goal to perk up the attentiveness is still far from achieved. No matter what the experience, students go out of the classroom with the usual blank stares which say that the lesson is long forgotten. Discovering one's interest is an easy task. I'd say unearthing your desires is an easy task. What motivates you What makes you spend more time into doing something To an onlooker, observe the things that one excels in. It may be through actions or manifestations, or a simple spark in the eyes that would give away an idea of what it is, like looking at a child beaming with glee when he sees kites flying overhead. Oftentimes, this starts with having a hobby. Hobbies are leisure activities practiced with "interest and enjoyment."5 While some of these activities seem insignificant and unimportant to most people, for others they have found something "compelling and entertaining about them,"6 which, when mastered and perfected, might later on be a profession and a good